Quantitative EEG & Event Related Potentials: Their use as biomarkers in advanced brain diagnostics

  • 17 Mar 2013
  • 19 Mar 2013
  • Outrigger Twin Towns Resort, Gold Coast, Australia

3- Day Workshop with Professor Juri Kropotov

Day 1. ERPs as biomarkers of information flow within the brain

1. Neurophysiological mechanisms of information flow in the brain

2. Reflection of information flow in ERP waves

3. Independent Component Analysis and its application to ERPs for extraction correlate of specific psychological operations

4. Test-retest reliability of ERP waves and ERP independent components

5. Defining cortical generators of ERP components – dipole approximation, LORETA, sLORETA.

6. Psychological paradigms for eliciting different ERP waves: N1, N170, P3a, P3b, P3 NOGO.


Day 2. ERPs as biomarkers of brain dysfunction

1. What is a biomarker?

2. ERPs as biomarkers in ADHD.

3. ERPs as biomarkers in schizophrenia.

4. ERPs as biomarkers in TBI and stroke.

5. ERPs for predicting the outcome of medication.

6. ERPs as indicator of electrode placement in tDCS.


Day 3. Neurotherapeutic methods of modulating brain dysfunction

1. Neurophysiological principles of Neurofeedback

2. Neurofeedback for peak performance (business, sport, education, aging)

3. Neurofeedback in some brain dysfunctions: ADHD, anxiety, PTSD…..

4. Neurophysiological mechanisms of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS).

5. tDCS in treating brain dysfunctions: ADHD, stroke, depression….

6. Other methods of Neurotherapy: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), deep brain stimulation


NB! This course is "hands-on" and will include plenty of practicing of EEG recording, artifacting techniques and computing EEG spectra and ERPs. Participants will learn methods of:

1. Recording Event Related Potentials in psychological tasks,

2. EEG preprocessing (remontaging, artifact correction, marking artifacts).

3. Analysis of ERPs such as decomposing into functionally meaningful components, measuring amplitude and latency,

4. Comparing ERP parameters with the HBIMed reference data

5. Group analysis of ERPs (patients vs. norms),

6. Pre-post assessment of results of a therapeutic intervention

This is not an ANSA event.

Please send your inquiries to info@mindmatters.com.au or visit www.braininstitute.com.au

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